Friday 2 March 2012

Wednesday 29 February 2012

Wednesday 15 February 2012

The Lying Game - Double Dibs

Ok Double Dibs was an eye opening episode when we got to see what was really going on with Sutton.

A shocker when we found out that Mads dad paid this guy to nick Sutton's laptop I wonder why Mads dad wants to frame Ethan.


And there are lovely topless Ethan just before Sutton webcammed him they relationship seems a little rocky. I think Sutton's a bit jealous of Emma not that I blame her. Ethan and Emma clearly have some chemistry.


Who knew Laurel could play the violin? Anyway the hot guy she was talking to was a good extra to the show the lying game needs more hot guys!

After Sutton's parents saw Ethan in Sutton's room with Emma. Emma told them she (Sutton) was going out with Ethan so he came round for dinner. It's was kinda awkward when his brother told Emma they found Sutton's laptop in his Jeep. Oh... so that's where Mad's dad wanted it but why?


Char tries to win the new kid over with her party so much effort for one guy, needless to say guys get way more perks then girls in life. Anyway he thinks shes nice but gets Laurel's address from Emma. Of which he shows up to later.

But of course it wouldn't be the lying game without mystery. Sutton goes to visit the women who she thinks is her mum to find out she was paid to have her name on the birth certificate. This isn't as fishy though as when Sutton finds out that Emma was adopted by a rich family before she was taken away by their birth mother and some how ended up on the foster system. How bummed is Emma gonna be when she finds out. And to think Sutton wishes her mum came to see her. :S

And to finish the episode Emma and Ethan almost kiss. Oh no I feel sorry for Sutton. Also I bet the next episode is gonna be awkward between them.

Saturday 11 February 2012

Pretty Little Liars - Season 2 "Over My Dead Body"

Did anyone see Wednesdays episode of Pretty Little Liars on MTV this week?

Dr.Sullivan's kidnap trap was brilliant as the girls desperate to save her fell right into A's hands.

At the start of the episode we see Jason taking down the newspapers blocking his view out of Ali's old room into Spencer's and despite Spencer's dislike for him how can we not love him? He is the bad boy, who to be honest would be more exciting to watch with Aria even with Ezra being the loveable puppy dog he is. But anyway Spencer and Toby were talking about her fathers rage from the night before at the time which isn't making him look very innocent at all. That situation confuses me but I'm sure we'll find out what that is about soon enough.

Then of course following this we had are "favorite" character Jackie flirting with Ezra just as Aria shows up, that cow Jackie really does have perfect timing doesn't she. However thankfully we didn't have to watch this for long as Aria got a text about Dr. Sullivan kidnap.

To began with this episode seemed just like a regular episode of pretty little liars until the dolls showed up. In Spencer's living room they found a box with the words open or she dies on it needless to say we probably all could work out it was from A at this point. Still I know it was a good plot and all but how did Spencer get rid of this box without her parents seeing it or anyone commenting on the open or she dies red spray on the top of it?

Anyway more importantly the dolls they were good. Each girl got a doll which when they pulled the string on the back of it gave them a demand to complete with the threat that Dr.Sullivan will die otherwise. Aria's doll gave I think most of us can say a task which we all wanted to go through without a hitch, "Make Jackie go away." This demand can with evidence that Jackie had copied the paper she was publishing. So as planned later that same day Aria came into Jackie's office nervous as ever showing her the proof that she knew it was copied before saying sorry. Which at this point I think its safe to say we all thought "Yes Jackie's going down!" but then to ruin the moment Jackie came round to Aria's later and threaten her with the crime of teacher, pupil relationships and how Ezra could go to prison if Aria stays with him proving that she actually doesn't care about Ezra that much.

Next up was Spencer with the heartbreaking task "Keep Toby Safe."  One which involved greatly hurting herself. Spencer was sitting in Toby's car when she did it after he asked the most heart-jerking  question in the most innocent little boy voice ever "I thought you trusted me?" to much she had to say "There's so much you don't know." Before running off to cry near a tree. I've got to say her acting was so impressive I was crying when she was.

And the most one of them all was Hanna's doll "Stop the wedding." Hanna finally getting along with her dad again has to split him and Isabella up but still at least some humor got in there first when Caleb told Kate her dress gave her back fat. He really is my favorite guy in the show. So Hanna interrupts the wedding asking to speak to Isabella, when she does she tells her that her dad hooked up with her mum when he was visiting her.  But before Hanna can hang around to be judged by everyone at the wedding she and the girls leave to go to the address that they assume has Dr.Sullivan at, apart Emily, Emily's got her own problems.

On the way to the wedding Emily is given directions to the same place and conveniently A having amazing superpowers has managed to get a doll onto the back seat of Emily's car without her noticing she is asked to find Dr.Sullivan alone. When she gets to an empty barn which car in it she is trapped in by someone most likely "A" and then becomes unconscious to which she sees the ghost of Ali or Ali alive I don't no.

Anyway the girls when they meet are all tricked into digging for a body with what turns out the murder weapon for Ali. At the police station Garrett and Jenna celebrate a lot which makes it seem like they are A but I hope not A is way more kickass then them A has to be. Also it is a really ohhh moment when Ella has a go at Ezra for going out with Spencer and his face is like "what did you just say."  But at the end when we no that Dr.Sullivan is OK its like damn A is good. Also I love the reference to the books at the end when the waitress calls A pretty eyes as in the books Ali was know for her very pretty eyes. So could Ali be A who knows? Or maybe its Courtney, twins have the same eye colour right?  

Next episode should be good! However not related to the plot as its the Halloween special I know its a bit far off from Halloween but that's what you get for living in England. It should be very good as this goes back to when Ali was alive so we get to see her character on are screens for more than just a five minute clip. 

Hope you've enjoyed reading my very very British blog on it all (notice the U in coloUr) comment please and if you have any tv show requests for me to blog about I will think about writing about them.

Thanks again :)